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| import time def foo(): print 'in foo()' def timeit(func): def wrapper(): start = time.clock() func() end =time.clock() print 'used:', end - start return wrapper foo = timeit(foo) foo()
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| import time def timeit(func): def wrapper(): start = time.clock() func() end =time.clock() print 'used:', end - start return wrapper @timeit def foo(): print 'in foo()' foo()
重点关注第11行的@timeit,在定义上加上这一行与另外写foo = timeit(foo)完全等价,没有另外的黑魔法。
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| def decorator(foo): print "this is the decorator" def wrap(*arg): print "before foo " foo(*arg) print "after foo" return wrap @decorator def foo(b, a = []): a.append(b) print a return a r1 = foo(1) @decorator def foo2(*args): a = [] for item in args: a.append(item) print a return a r2 = foo2([1,2,3]) r1 = foo(2)
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| this is the decorator before foo [1] after foo this is the decorator before foo [[1, 2, 3]] after foo before foo [1, 1] after foo
3.python 内置的装饰器
3.1 staticmethod、classmethod、property
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| class Rabbit(object): def __init__(self, name): self._name = name @staticmethod def newRabbit(name): return Rabbit(name) @classmethod def newRabbit2(cls): return Rabbit('') @property def name(self): return self._name
3.2 wraps(wrapped[, assigned][, updated]):
: 函数是有几个特殊属性比如函数名,在被装饰后,上例中的函数名foo会变成包装函数的名字wrapper,如果你希望使用反射,可能会导致意外的结果。这个装饰器可以解决这个问题,它能将装饰过的函数的特殊属性保留。
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| import time import functools def timeit(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(): start = time.clock() func() end =time.clock() print 'used:', end - start return wrapper @timeit def foo(): print 'in foo()' foo() print foo.__name__
3.3 total_ordering(cls):
: 这个装饰器在特定的场合有一定用处,但是它是在Python 2.7后新增的。它的作用是为实现了至少lt、le、gt、ge其中一个的类加上其他的比较方法,这是一个类装饰器。
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| class test: def __init__(self, var): self.var = var def __lt__(self, other): return self.var > other.var t1 = test(2) t2 = test(3) print t1 < t2 print t1 > t2 print t1 <= t2 print t1 >= t2
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| import functools @functools.total_ordering class test: def __init__(self, var): self.var = var def __lt__(self, other): return self.var > other.var t1 = test(2) t2 = test(3) print t1 < t2 print t1 > t2 print t1 <= t2 print t1 >= t2